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The value comes in the form of lasting solutions — not one-time projects or initiatives temporary
By Zózimo De Souza Jr. The impact of value propagation needs to be analyzed before determining the real meaning of […]
por Zózimo, Abstract: This paper explores the concept of Value Stream Management (VSM) in the context of designing services […]
Companies have many perspectives to cover to generate real value through their products/services to the customer and market. Most perspectives […]
by creating value streams that are focused on the customer and the business, the entrepreneur can achieve alignment between the company's objectives and market demands, creating solutions that generate shared and sustainable value.
Para empresas de capital aberto tem vários indicadores financeiros que são relevantes e podem impactar o valor das ações ou […]
O objetivo da teoria do portfólio e a determinação das proporções dos títulos da carteira que minimizam o risco (volatilidade), […]
Seven strong reasons to do it: The transition from a project-centric model to a value stream approach represents a paradigm […]
Relacionar indicadores de vitalidade de uma empresa é perpetuar um negócio passa por manter a vitalidade da empresa no momento […]
Building a value interface access to have a good work value proposition. Value interface access (VIA) is a framework that […]